Our Products are our best ally




They work together and maintain balance in the aqueous and oil phase of a product, ensuring uniformity and consistency in a wide variety of foods.


The benefits your company can get from our line of extenders are due to the careful selection of functional ingredients that provide marked benefits in the attributes related to texture, emulsification, performance, ease of process, slicing, cubing and melting abilities, etc. with the best cost-benefit ratio.


The functionality of our products is based on their proven efficiency to solve challenges related to texture, homogeneity, body, viscosity, cohesion, syneresis, palatability, stability, resistance to temperature changes, dryness, water retention, etc., according to a particular product.
Food Preservatives

Food Preservatives

We combine the optimum balance of active ingredients and our experience in technology of mixing to achieve efficient systems that control problems with bacterial growth (gram-negative, psychrophilic and mesophilic), yeasts and molds, as well as their spores, increrasing their shelf-life of food with the best cost-benefit ratio.

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